April 30, 2019

May Blog Train and Fan Freebie

Just last week on Easter Sunday, it was 82 degrees out with the sun shining and just enough of a breeze to keep it from getting too hot.  A week later, we had a snow storm and 34 degrees.  I guess spring cleaning has been cancelled this year.  Or, at the very least, postponed.

Pixel Scrapper Blog Train by Di Hiller
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Click  HERE  to see the rest of the blog train.

Below is this month's Fan Freebie.  Enjoy!

May Fan Freebie by Di Hiller

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The "Boo" Update

Poor Boo.  This picture was taken on Sunday.  Yesterday he was watching birds on the deck.  And today...just snow.  He would much rather be watching the birds.  So would I.

Boo during snow storm