April 30, 2021

May Blog Train and Fan Freebie

 As I write this, I am going through "internet withdrawal".  Just out of the blue, my modem/router stopped working on a Saturday afternoon.  I worked with Tech Services for two days trying to revive it to no avail.  So, while I waited for the new system to get here, I had to drive 6 miles down the road every day to borrow internet time from others.  The new router came and it won't connect to the internet at all.  Their tech service people are working on it, BUT I am now going on 2 weeks without internet.  Fortunately, I had everything already uploaded to the server so that you can get your downloads.  The Fan Freebie page on my website will be updated when I have a working system again.  I'm really bummed.

Sorry...this download is no longer available.

Fan Freebie --

Here is the Easter Kit I promised you last month.  A little late, but I'm sure you'll be able to use it for all the wonderful pictures you took.

Sorry...this download is no longer available.

The Boo Update --

This is NOT a happy cat.  Poor Boo.  With these internet woes, I have to leave him everyday.  The minute I put on my coat, he starts giving me the "evil eye".  Makes it really hard to get out the door without feeling guilty.