Ann from New Zealand helped me figure out part of the download problem some of you have been experiencing. I set up links on my website, and asked her to try downloading there. It worked. Thank you, Ann! She was able to pick up all the downloads since the first of the year. I will put blog train and freebie kits on that page. You can pick up all the ones you may have missed starting from January of this year, but all the new links are below as well.
I also added SSL on this blog for extra security and carefree downloading. Hopefully this will help with download problems for those of you who just use Google Chrome (I'm not a fan myself). When I work on computers or websites, my husband tells me I sound like I'm talking a foreign language. Well, ya...I guess it sort of is. After working with computers since the mid-70s, I don't think about it much.
Anyway, at this point, you should no longer have any downloading problems, but if you do, download directly from my website. The link will be the second link below each picture or press the Fan Freebie icon on the right side of this page.