December 30, 2022

January 2023 Blog Train and Fan Freebie

I hope everyone survived the "Big Chill" that swept over the country.  If I could have just bunkered down in the house for three days, I wouldn't have cared so much.  But, as it is, I had to be out in it every day to feed my horses and to make sure they were out of the wind and doing ok.  It was brutal, but we survived.  If you live in a warmer climate, squeeze an ice cube as hard as you can for 5 minutes.  That's pretty much what it feels like, even with winter gloves on.  One week later, we're at 50 degrees today and most of the snow has melted.  If only this were the end of winter instead of just the beginning.

These days, the only babies we have in our family have 4 legs and a tail, but these colors just screamed "BABY" to me.  So, here ya go. . . 

Click  HERE  to download

Fan Freebie --

I added a few more papers and graffiti to enhance your layouts.  Have fun with it!

Click  HERE  to download

The Boo Update --

And this is how I found Boo when I got back to the house.  He pretty much lounged around and slept through the 4-day winter storm.  Not spoiled at all.  Entitled!

Happy New Year everybody!   See ya next month.