October 31, 2023

November 2023 Blog Train and Fan Freebie

I have to admit . . . this month's color scheme didn't speak to me.  Usually I can look at the colors and know exactly what I want to do with them.  So, I looked at the theme suggestions -- kitchen and boho.  Kitchen was out because I try to spend as little time as possible in the kitchen these days.  Ok...so let's go with "boho".  Hmmm....what exactly is boho?  After googling boho and looking at the many examples that came up, I saw that boho was somewhere between cashless college student of the 60's and "whatever goes" after that.  I just shake my head.  But, I have to admit, it was interesting to find that I can still create and even have fun while working on it even though it all still boggles my mind.  (That's probably pretty close to what my Mom thought of my sense of style growing up in the 60's with our bell bottoms and mini skirts.  But, hey . . . we were so cool~! Enough said.)

Click  HERE  to download

Fan Freebie --

I usually like to create my fan freebies to add onto the blog train piece, but not this time.  When it comes to holidays, I'm a traditionalist.  November is Thanksgiving with all the beautiful colors I see all around me outside. 

Click  HERE  to download

The Boo Update --

Well.  Boo usually knows he is not to be on the counter EVER.  But, I made an exception this time because he was watching my husband doing the dishes and he looked so beautiful sitting there so patiently waiting for dishes to be done and play time to begin.  So, I let it slide and grabbed my camera instead.  He's not spoiled at all :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
May your turkey be tender and your pumpkin pie perfect.


lawyerlyn said...

thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Diane

for your charming BT-Contribution and i like your black cat photos ;)


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your designs! I also love reading updates on Boo!

Scarette said...

Thank you for these wonderful graphics! As far as I'm concerned, Beautiful Boo can do whatever he wants.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!! Your gift and your cute Boo :) Thanks!

Gala said...

Good afternoon ! Wonderful gifts! Great thank you !!! Boo - handsome!

Mom2mykids said...

Thank you for your gifts! And that is adorable of Boo waiting for daddy to finish and play with him. For some reason, none of our cats have been counter-sitters, although the two we have now break the stay-off-the-table rule into teeny tiny little pieces! It's OK, though, because we love them!

DragonChick said...

Great pic of the not at all spoiled Boo!!
Thanks for the lovely goodies too.

Shannon said...

I love that you were still able to create a fall kit with the colour pallet. I think it works beautifully. Thank you for both kits - they're beautiful and I can never resist a fall kit! Boo may not usually be allowed on the counter, but he certainly looks comfy there!

Anonymous said...

Thank-You so much for the lovely kits on your site.
Blessed Be.

Sarah Charmley said...

Thank you so much for the lovely kits - and the fab picture of Boo. So gorgeous!

Crystalnva said...

Thank you bunches :)

Mouette said...

Merci pour le partage - vous avez un joli " Boo" moi, j'ai 2 chattes : une grise et une " 3 couleurs" elles font notre bonheur car très affectueuses , elles veillent sur notre sommeil .