April 30, 2024

May 2024 Blog Train and Fan Freebie

My happy place is in my stable, but also all of my gardens.  I get more thinking done, decisions made and problems solved when I'm digging in the dirt, even if all I'm digging out are weeds.  It has taken me years to figure it all out, but now there's always something blooming from spring thru fall.  When I pick out perennials, I pay as much attention to the leaves as I do the flower.  That way, when the blooms die off, you still have the wonderful leafy foliage to backdrop all the mid and late summer blooming plants.  Annuals in pots work pretty well too so that I can just move them to empty spots if need be.

Click  HERE  to download

Fan Freebie --

I stopped vegetable gardening quite some time ago, more because of lack of time than anything else.  I do have a strawberry patch and a raspberry patch, however.  This year, I will also be planting a carrot crop for my horses.  With a carrot in my pocket, I can get them to do just about anything I want.  Granted, carrots aren't all that expensive, but fresh carrots out of the garden are like candy to them and are the perfect reward for a job well done. 

Click  HERE  to download

The Boo Update --

First of all, Boo is now Dermatitis free and much happier because of it.  The Royal Canin cat food has made all the difference.  It just took a bit of time.  Why he's allergic to just about everything is beyond me.  I've never had to deal with something like this before, and I've had a LOT of cats in my lifetime.  Thank you Country View Vet.

As for the picture -- This is not an unusual position for Boo.  It's just kind of mind-boggling when you walk into a room and find him this way.  He's sort of sitting with both hind legs, tail and right front leg in front of him.  His left front leg is positioned back farther on his left side to give him balance while he's cleaning himself.  Kitty Yoga! I keep saying he's so unusual, and he is, but another term that comes to mind is "weird"!  I'm used to him though. so I just shake my head and keep on walking.

Boo will be back here next month and so will I.  See you then!!


Tricia said...

Your flower gardens sound very nice. I'm sure the horses can tell that your carrots are better than the store just in freshness alone - so smart of them! :) Boo is adorable - so glad he's better. Thanks for your wonderful contributions to this month's train!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the May kits. I look forward to them every month. The Boo updates delight me every time. We also had 8 cats and each of them was unique. With each additional cat we learned about new cat diseases. The worst was the thyroid disease. As the disease progressed, high blood pressure ..... was added. We managed everything with the vets. Royal Canin really is a very good food. Have lots of fun with Boo.

craftychic said...

Thank you for another cute mini! Cats are certainly amazing with their yoga moves, lol!

Mouette said...

Merci pour vos petits kits mensuels , toujours très frais !

sandy said...

Thank you :)

Mom2mykids said...

Thank you so much! And thanks for the Boo update. I'm glad he's doing better. It's scary when they're ill and we can't talk to them about what's bothering them! We have 5 cats in our house right now, and I'm feeling a touch overwhelmed. But the youngest 3 are from outside; my son wanted to trap them and get them spayed/neutered so they wouldn't have litters. We also trapped the mom and dad and had them fixed, too. It's been kind of an adventure. Obviously we don't really want to put the littles (born in November) outside, so we're keeping them in. The oldest one escaped outside a few days ago but she came back in the next morning. Apparently outside wasn't as fun as she remembered!

Gala said...

Fabulous ! Thank you very much for the wonderful set! I wish you good health!

SiskiyouSue said...

Your work is so bright and cheerful, just what I needed on another snowy day! Spring has begun to appear, but the weather is not cooperative. It would be great if this were a wet snow, but again so dry, it may not be a good summer for any kind of garden. I also have given up on vegetables, seems like we are gone at harvest season every year, but I am hoping my iris will do better, I lost almost all to the long cold last year. I really miss my garden in The Dalles now that we live in Montana!

Auntie Em said...

Thank you so much for sharing your lovely work. Those quirky little birds are adorable and I love the flowers and seed packages.
Cheers! :)

Chloé said...

Thank you very much for those very nice kits !

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your lovely art. Always love to hear about your life with the critters, and to get Boo updates. Weird is OK. All of my cats have been weird in their own ways.

Lorri said...

Thanks for both the BT mini-always like your flowers. I love the fan favorite this month and your garden stories.I always smile when I read your updates.

Shannon said...

Thank you so much as always for your great kits. I'm glad Boo is feeling better! Good luck with the carrot crop.

Kaffeeschlürferin said...

Thank you so much for your nice kits.
Those quirky little birds are adorable , love them.
and I love your stories about Boo, we have two cats ourselves,
one of them is a black tomcat.
Hugs Kaffee

Mary K said...

Beautiful, bright summer kit freebies. Thank you so kindly!!

Sarah Charmley said...

Thank you for the lovely bright kits - such gorgeous colours! Sending love to Boo x

kellaroo said...

Thank you, Di! I love everything about this kit, but I'm especially fond of the bees!

DragonChick said...

Thanks for the goodies!
(not sure how I missed it last month)
SO glad Boo is doing well!!!!

Cesc said...

Thank you for keeping this available after the month has ended. I've been so busy I am just getting back to my scrapping. Though I don't think I'll ever be as busy as you. Give Boo a pet for me. Thanks again...