A winter wedding sounds so romantic. You know, with a light snow coming down on a starry night. But, I honestly prefer summer weddings. If I'm going to wear a dress, it better be warm. We haven't gotten much snow yet, but it has been COLD! My mode of dress this time of year includes a heated jacket, heated gloves, artic snow gear and boots rated to 80 below zero. Sub-zero temperatures all around me, but under all that gear -- it's like a summer day :) This year, as far as snow fall goes, Florida and New Orleans have had more snow than what we have. Since there's still plenty of time yet for major snow and cold here, I'm knocking on wood. At the moment, however, we're having 50 degree weather. Feels more like April than February :)
As a side note -- The flowers, leaves, the curly accents, the frame and the corners in this kit are actually carved from wood. A little Photoshop presto-chango to add color and this is what you get -- Enjoy!
Boo totally gets it, LOL! Thanks for sharing!!
I agree - summer weddings are more comfortable (unless it's 100F and humid like mine was... yikes!) It looks like Boo is keeping one eye on you!! I think he's thinking exactly what you said - you just don't get it. LOL Thanks for your super sweet goodies, and have a wonderful time frosting cookies with your grandkids!
Thank you, Di! Always enjoy reading about Boo.
Thank you very much
The bag Boo is napping on fits him perfectly. Smart cat! Thanks for the sweet kits, Di!
Thank you, Di!
LOL - men and their disorganised organisation. Thank you for the beautiful freebies.
Thank you for the goodies! Personally, I think Boo may have contributed to your husband's "organization." Our Taz is great at doing that at our house. ;)
Thank you for the beautiful kits and the Boo update. Here's hoping for warmer days soon x
Boo is so Beautiful with all those colors...he's in style nowadays. I wonder if people can get the allergy he had...I really need my hair to grow back. Thank you for always blessing us with your wonderful Kits...unruly!
Thank you very much for the wonderful set!
Thank you so much!
Thanks so much!
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