August 31, 2024

September 2024 Blog Train and Fan Freebie

Homecoming.  That's how I feel every time I drive down our gorgeous country road and pull into our long driveway.  I love this place.  It's HOME.

What a wonderful blog train this has turned out to be.  You can find the rest of the train at Sept 2024 Blog Train - Final List | Digital Scrapbooking Forums

Click  HERE  to download

Fan Freebie --

I had so much fun with these colors, I made a whole bunch of extra pieces and paper for you to have fun with.  Lots of flowers and graffiti to really spruce up your pages. 

Click  HERE  to download

The Boo Update --

Ok, now this is getting a little crazy!  I have been so happy that Boo's collar grew back, but it still hasn't stopped growing.  He has those long hairs growing down below his chest area and behind his front legs.  I've pulled out pictures of him from before his allergies had started and it wasn't quite this fluffy.  Even his black fur has become thicker and longer.  I honestly have never seen anything like this before.  But, he's feeling good and that's all that really matters to me.

See you next month!


DragonChick said...

Boo is SO gorgeous!
Thanks for sharing your creation, and Boo's story!

gypsymonkeyscrap said...

Boo is definitely looking amazing! Maybe it's his inner lion coming out. ;) Thank you for the cute goodies!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the cute mini. Boo is so beautiful!

Tricia said...

Wow, could he get any more gorgeous?! You'll have to hide all the mirrors in the house. LOL That's so nice how you love your home - best way to feel, for sure. Thanks for your lovely contributions to the BT.

Anonymous said...

I love your Boo Updates! I always imagine our cat Nigel would be looking like that had he not died being just 3 years & 3 weeks young. Thanks for sharing Boo´s stories... xxx

unruly said...

Whatever is happening to Boo I wish it was happening to me too. Thank you for this great kit and add-on!!!

Mom2mykids said...

Thanks so much for your part, and the bonus! I love hearing Boo stories, and he is SUCH a handsome fellow! Glad he's doing so well!!

lawyerlyn said...

thank you for sharing!

Justina said...

I get that same feeling when driving onto our street. Love my home. Boo is looking very majestic.

Shannon said...

Wow! Boo looks even more regal1
Thank you for the cute freebies!

Shannon said...

I just went back and looked at the early photos of Boo to show my husband. My has Boo grown! I saw the post at 3 months where you said he had stripes coming in on his tail and white splotches behind his ears, and that he would be an unusual looking cat once he'd grown. Did you ever imagine a full-on mane?!

Sarah Charmley said...

Boo, you're looking fine! Thank you so much for the lovely mini and fan freebie. Much appreciated x

Mary Ann said...

I love to hear about Boo each month! Maybe it's going to be a cold winter! Thank you for your wonderful creations each month!